Thursday, January 30, 2014

Hello from Amazon KDP!

Image Credit: The Fictionista
The book “Lucky in Love” you recently submitted to KDP has possible spelling errors in your converted file. Consider correcting these and resubmitting.

...I definitely did not want to be sitting in front of this gorgeous man looking like a toddler that had just gone buckwild on a birthday cake....

...There was no way I was going out there with the creeptastic cornfield....

...Chance worries too much." I went to the table, hugged him tightly, and swiped a fingerfull of chocolate icing....

...It was snapped when I was in mid-flight, trying to catch a Frisbee, but they had cropped the Frisbee out, so it was just my face, sporting a weird grimacey scowl....

...Finally, I got my ladybits mostly covered, except for my butt, and just figured I wouldn't turn my back to him....

...I had to tone it down or Chance would take one look at the combination of love and fear I was currently skitzing out on and go running the other direction....

...A swish, swish, thub sound....

...I had no idea that my hair was spiraling out every whichway in wiry reddish sprigs and I still had some post-wedding mascara smudged under my eyes....

You have chosen to ignore these possible errors.


Kindle Direct Publishing

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